The root cause of the accident of being struck at the entrance:

1.hen the entrance of the revolving door is closed, the narrow gap formed during the curved wall of the display case coincides with the outer fixed arc wall is the root cause of personal injuries.

2. The revolving door is installed in public places for room access, which cannot be guarded by a designated assigned person 24/7. When people who do not pass normally, such as playing children and drunken users in a rush, there will be a high probability of safety accidents.


Buying a door brings safety, and 金年会体育 is the very choice for doors with safety features!

金年会体育 (金年会体育 Technology) is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D and manufacturing of revolving doors and commercial doors (high-tech enterprise certificate number). "Safety • Product" is the core concept of our products. We have passed three system certification: quality management system, occupational health and safety management system and environmental management system; we were listed in Qilu Equity Exchange in 2016 (equity code).

  • 20


    Founded in 2002

  • 100



  • 10000


    Customer's choice

  • 1



  • 25


    Utility model patents

  • 11


    Appearance patent

  • 14


    Software copyright

  • High-tech enterprise

    High-tech enterprise

    High-tech enterprise
  • Zibo Gazelle Enterprise in 2020

    Zibo Gazelle Enterprise in 2020

    Zibo Gazelle Enterprise in 2020
  • National revolving door manufacturing demonstration base - the first and only domestic

    National revolving door manufacturing demonstration base - the first and only domestic

    National revolving door manufacturing demonstration base - the first and only domestic
  • "Brand Power" independent brand preferred demonstration project revolving door industry preferred member unit

    "Brand Power" independent brand preferred demonstration project revolving door industry preferred member unit

    "Brand Power" independent brand preferred demonstration project revolving door industry preferred member unit
  • 这是描述信息


    Buying a door brings safety, and 金年会体育 is the very choice for doors with safety features!

    金年会体育 SOTC revolving door - 金年会体育 is a national brand, dedicated to products using safety protection technology, leading the industry


    It's a brand that has been broadcast on CCTV.

    CCTV interview Innovation creates high-quality products



    Buying a door brings safety, and 金年会体育 is the very choice for doors with safety features!

    金年会体育 SOTC revolving door - 金年会体育 is a national brand, dedicated to products using safety protection technology, leading the industry


    It's a brand that has been broadcast on CCTV.

    CCTV interview Innovation creates high-quality products


    Safety Concept

    Real safety is not just prevention, but more importantly, even if users use improperly, it will not cause harm to them!

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Life is irreversible and safety is irreplaceable! Selling safety products is to do good deeds!

    Corporate Mission

    Let more buildings use our safe revolving doors, so that there is no harm during passing!

    Corporate Vision

    Committed to growing into a global leading national brand of safety revolving door!

    After-sales service network

    • UK
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    • Turkey
    • Philippines
    • Mexico
    • Chile
    • Sweden
    • Oman
    The chairman's birthday party came to a successful conclusion | Thank you for following along!

    The chairman's birthday party came to a successful conclusion | Thank you for following along!

      Time flies, time is silent Years witness growth, time engrave happiness The birth of life gives "birthday" a special meaning Promote the construction of corporate culture Motivate work enthusiasm and enhance a sense of belonging 2022/4/13 our great parents Chairman Zhou Guoqing ushered in his birthday On special days, 金年会体育 people sincerely wish Mr. Zhou   happy Birthday! carefully arranged Cozy atmosphere Everyone present expressed sincere wishes to Mr. Zhou A master from a strict teacher Mr. Zhou is both our leader also our teacher We work under the leadership of President Zhou Growing up at work Unconsciously, it has quietly changed    Life needs a sense of ritual Simple and warm birthday party It is our most sincere gratitude to all parents On special days, the people of 金年会体育 sincerely said   You have worked hard! 20 years on the road, blue thread Forging ahead in the wind and rain Mr. Zhou leads the team all the way forward Grasp the pain points of the market Taking "safety and quality" as the core product concept of the company Adhere to independent innovation, people-oriented The research and development of "no clipping" safety technology Solve the hidden danger of "entrance trapping people" existing in the revolving door due to its own structural design for hundreds of years    This is the progress of the industry It is also a stretch of personal feelings He always thought "You only have one life, you can't have any luck Even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance And make sure nothing goes wrong.” There is no way in the world There is always Zhou who clears the way for us We can walk out of the road Work with Mr. Zhou We are proud! business growth Condenses the ideal, passion and sweat of the chairman Day and night, rain or shine Overcome thorns and cut thorns and move forward bravely Thanks for the platform created by Mr. Zhou Let 金年会体育 people have fertile ground for growth from a person to a group of people doing the same thing for the same goal Continue to grow and develop Committed to growing into a world-renowned brand of security revolving doors Let more buildings use safe revolving doors, so that passage is harmless "Do not forget the original intention to always be" This is what Mr. Zhou often said. The original intention is one's own belief It is also the brand vision and mission of 金年会体育 金年会体育 people keep it in mind Sailing the sea depends on the helmsman I believe that as long as everyone follows with firm belief It will definitely be able to ride the wind and waves and travel steadily and far!
    Model Power | 金年会体育 Technology's March Employee Commendation Conference ended successfully!

    Model Power | 金年会体育 Technology's March Employee Commendation Conference ended successfully!

    An example is a strength that shows progress; An example is a banner that inspires fighting spirit; An example is a beacon that guides the way; Role models give strength! To commend advanced employees and give full play to their exemplary leading role, the Recognition Conference for Outstanding Employees of 金年会体育 Technology was held as scheduled on the afternoon of April 12, 2022.  March is an extremely special month for 金年会体育. The whole city is under lockdown and it is difficult to move forward, and the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has caught everyone by surprise. "Difficulties and hardships, Yuru Yucheng", we saw that many 金年会体育 people were brave enough to take responsibility during the most severe period of the epidemic in March. This kind of dedication and dedication is worth learning from all employees. 企业的发展离不开每一位伙伴的付出与努力,他们用自己的实际行动为其他员工起到了表率作用,并传递了满满的正能量!   张明军副总经理为优秀员工颁发荣誉证书及奖金,以资鼓励,并表示衷心的祝贺。张总讲到:“表彰奖励,鞭策后进,希望随着企业不断的发展壮大,要涌现出更多的优秀员工,真正融入企业,围绕着目标,努力向前拼搏。3月份疫情的反复,席卷了整个淄博大地,但是在周总的正确领导下和高瞻远瞩的把控下,依然有条不紊地向前发展,接下来的工作中要紧紧围绕着核心做事,一条思路,一个结果,努力提升整体服务能力。”  越努力,越幸运,汲取榜样的力量,砥砺奋进,一往无前!
    Appreciation of SOTC Classic Cases | Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center

    Appreciation of SOTC Classic Cases | Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center

    Olympic Sports is the gate of a city to the world Every Olympic sport has brought earth-shaking changes to the city where it is located Become a proud symbol of a city Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center at night Ambilight, dazzling The "roses" of the main stadium are in full bloom blooming on the banks of the Yellow River Stunning the night sky of Lanzhou Under the bright lights of the Olympic Sports Center The crystal clear revolving door is like a diamond inlaid on the building colorful and shining     项目背景     Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center   The Olympic Sports Center is a modern, multi-functional and comprehensive large-scale public sports center, including the main stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool, shooting hall, comprehensive training hall and other functional venues. The completion of the Olympic Sports Center will undoubtedly drive the upgrading of the region and the city as a whole. As the main venue of the 15th Gansu Games, Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center is located in Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, with a total construction area of about 460,000 square meters. Unique new landmark. The design of Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center is based on the concept of "Flying Flower Dance". The building and its landscape are like flowers dancing on the Silk Road, with ups and downs and scattered patterns. 金年会体育 Technology designed and installed the entrance and exit gate area for Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center, which is perfectly integrated with buildings and natural scenes, and naturally fits with the spirit of the Olympic Sports Center, creating an entrance and exit solution with high-end quality and good experience. As a key municipal project in Lanzhou and a crowded public place, the "safety" of the gate area is the first consideration. Under the premise of achieving the highest security, the external beauty is emphasized.     金年会体育 SOTC exhibition box retracts without clipping the two-wing automatic revolving door - the most correct way to open the Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center Appearance, function, safety...everything is "outstanding" Energy saving, environmental protection, sound insulation, dustproof... Always closed, always open, can well maintain a constant temperature in the building and create a comfortable and comfortable environment; With the same entry and exit, it provides a relatively spacious passage space for pedestrians to meet the customer's demand for an open facade; Contactless passage, reducing the direct contact rate between people and doors, efficient and safe, is of great significance during the epidemic prevention and control period; Two-wing automatic revolving door - the top product among revolving doors, it has the functions of traditional revolving door and sliding door at the same time, so that the working mode of the revolving door has a dual choice; The ultimate in safety - SOTC exhibition box retracts without trapping people in the revolving door. Based on the traditional preventive safety protection, the safety upgrade has been carried out, and it has the "error-safety" protection function, even in the case of wrong passage. If you are accidentally caught under the revolving door, the innovative structure of the revolving door itself can also be easily pushed open, resulting in a 280mm safety avoidance gap, which can completely accommodate one person without causing any more clamping damage. (especially children and seniors) quite friendly.   金年会体育 believes: "The preciousness of life lies in the fact that it cannot be repeated. Even if there is a probability of one in a thousand or one in ten thousand accidents, we can't be lucky." Focus on safety, but not only "safety"     Buy door buy safety | Safety choose 金年会体育 金年会体育 SOTC revolving door - a leading national brand in the security technology industry that does not clip people at the entrance and exit!  

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    Dongjie Village, Dawangdian Town, Xushui District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China.

    COPYRIGHT ©   金年会体育      


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    ADDRESS: Dongjie Village, Dawangdian Town, Xushui District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China.

    COPYRIGHT ©   金年会体育   

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