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Model Power | 金年会体育 Technology's March Employee Commendation Conference ended successfully!

An example is a strength that shows progress; An example is a banner that inspires fighting spirit; An example is a beacon that guides the way; Role models give strength! To commend advanced employees and give full play to their exemplary leading role, the Recognition Conference for Outstanding Employees of 金年会体育 Technology was held as scheduled on the afternoon of April 12, 2022.  March is an extremely special month for 金年会体育. The whole city is under lockdown and it is difficult to move forward, and the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has caught everyone by surprise. "Difficulties and hardships, Yuru Yucheng", we saw that many 金年会体育 people were brave enough to take responsibility during the most severe period of the epidemic in March. This kind of dedication and dedication is worth learning from all employees. 企业的发展离不开每一位伙伴的付出与努力,他们用自己的实际行动为其他员工起到了表率作用,并传递了满满的正能量!   张明军副总经理为优秀员工颁发荣誉证书及奖金,以资鼓励,并表示衷心的祝贺。张总讲到:“表彰奖励,鞭策后进,希望随着企业不断的发展壮大,要涌现出更多的优秀员工,真正融入企业,围绕着目标,努力向前拼搏。3月份疫情的反复,席卷了整个淄博大地,但是在周总的正确领导下和高瞻远瞩的把控下,依然有条不紊地向前发展,接下来的工作中要紧紧围绕着核心做事,一条思路,一个结果,努力提升整体服务能力。”  越努力,越幸运,汲取榜样的力量,砥砺奋进,一往无前!

Appreciation of SOTC Classic Cases | Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center

Olympic Sports is the gate of a city to the world Every Olympic sport has brought earth-shaking changes to the city where it is located Become a proud symbol of a city Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center at night Ambilight, dazzling The "roses" of the main stadium are in full bloom blooming on the banks of the Yellow River Stunning the night sky of Lanzhou Under the bright lights of the Olympic Sports Center The crystal clear revolving door is like a diamond inlaid on the building colorful and shining     项目背景     Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center   The Olympic Sports Center is a modern, multi-functional and comprehensive large-scale public sports center, including the main stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool, shooting hall, comprehensive training hall and other functional venues. The completion of the Olympic Sports Center will undoubtedly drive the upgrading of the region and the city as a whole. As the main venue of the 15th Gansu Games, Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center is located in Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, with a total construction area of about 460,000 square meters. Unique new landmark. The design of Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center is based on the concept of "Flying Flower Dance". The building and its landscape are like flowers dancing on the Silk Road, with ups and downs and scattered patterns. 金年会体育 Technology designed and installed the entrance and exit gate area for Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center, which is perfectly integrated with buildings and natural scenes, and naturally fits with the spirit of the Olympic Sports Center, creating an entrance and exit solution with high-end quality and good experience. As a key municipal project in Lanzhou and a crowded public place, the "safety" of the gate area is the first consideration. Under the premise of achieving the highest security, the external beauty is emphasized.     金年会体育 SOTC exhibition box retracts without clipping the two-wing automatic revolving door - the most correct way to open the Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center Appearance, function, safety...everything is "outstanding" Energy saving, environmental protection, sound insulation, dustproof... Always closed, always open, can well maintain a constant temperature in the building and create a comfortable and comfortable environment; With the same entry and exit, it provides a relatively spacious passage space for pedestrians to meet the customer's demand for an open facade; Contactless passage, reducing the direct contact rate between people and doors, efficient and safe, is of great significance during the epidemic prevention and control period; Two-wing automatic revolving door - the top product among revolving doors, it has the functions of traditional revolving door and sliding door at the same time, so that the working mode of the revolving door has a dual choice; The ultimate in safety - SOTC exhibition box retracts without trapping people in the revolving door. Based on the traditional preventive safety protection, the safety upgrade has been carried out, and it has the "error-safety" protection function, even in the case of wrong passage. If you are accidentally caught under the revolving door, the innovative structure of the revolving door itself can also be easily pushed open, resulting in a 280mm safety avoidance gap, which can completely accommodate one person without causing any more clamping damage. (especially children and seniors) quite friendly.   金年会体育 believes: "The preciousness of life lies in the fact that it cannot be repeated. Even if there is a probability of one in a thousand or one in ten thousand accidents, we can't be lucky." Focus on safety, but not only "safety"     Buy door buy safety | Safety choose 金年会体育 金年会体育 SOTC revolving door - a leading national brand in the security technology industry that does not clip people at the entrance and exit!  

Gratitude is always there, happiness is always with you - the birthday party of Yuan Li, director of the production and operation center of 金年会体育 Technology

  Time is timeless, memories are long One year, one gift, one inch, one joy Thanks 金年会体育 Let us from different regions get together Strive for a common dream Practice corporate humanistic care Feel the warmth of home 2022/3/30 Company executives gathered together Celebrating the birthday of Yuan Li, the director of the production operation center, the old employee who has been fighting in 金年会体育 for 15 years   Sing a birthday song, make a wish, blow out candles, cut a cake... a well-arranged birthday party, happy and warm      15 years From a young student just out of school to a mother of two children From company R&D employees to mechanical engineers From the head of the technical department to the director of the production operation center The company's new product development Product structure function optimization Full control of production management …… Director Yuan Li is on the hot spot of 金年会体育 Sprinkle youth and grow all the way At the same time, it also witnessed the growth and glory of the company      Every successful person is a long-termist immersed in one line of business, perseverance After the polishing of time, it will eventually shine In the former director, we saw The power of persistence and belief Gratitude Platform Let every striver have the opportunity to grow and improve Thanks to the staff Inject your own strength into the development of the enterprise It's a two-way run Don't live up to yourself Don't live up to the time Keep the courage to forge ahead The courage to be the first vigorous vigor In persistent value creation achieve sublimation Director Yuan Li is an example for us to learn from!

金年会体育 Technology Mobilization Conference - Work together to win the battle in 2022!

No winter is insurmountable There is not a spring that will not come   Going through nucleic acid tests again and again, living at home every day We finally won the double victory of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production Let's welcome the arrival of "Spring Blossoms" together!   金年会体育 Technology actively responded to the government's call, and in strict accordance with the government's orderly resumption of work and production and epidemic prevention and control work requirements, intensively carried out prevention, control and disinfection of office areas, factories and other areas. Through pre-job reporting, all departments of the company strictly review the daily health status of employees, nucleic acid testing, closed management and other measures, and do a solid job in epidemic control to ensure that epidemic prevention and control are under control after returning to work.   On March 23, 2022, the company fully resumed work. The mobilization meeting was held in the conference room of 金年会体育 headquarters.   Chairman Zhou Guoqing first emphasized the importance of epidemic prevention at the conference. Fully implement "epidemic prevention and production" and "two-handed approach" to ensure that all measures for enterprise epidemic prevention and control are in place. Mr. Zhou said: "At the moment of the epidemic, we must continue to attach great importance to it, strengthen the awareness of prevention, and always maintain a high degree of vigilance."   "Collective efforts have brought victory in the fight against the epidemic. We must cherish this hard-won opportunity. In the future work, we must have a consistent position, firm belief, follow orders in all actions, and share the same desire and goal. Efforts to build competitiveness and achieve value conversion, so as to gain customer recognition and achieve our goals."   In the following work adjustment, Mr. Zhou pointed out: "On the premise that the team's decision-making direction is correct, it is very important to do a good job in team building. All departments should strengthen communication and cooperation, refine tasks, deploy in detail, and speed up the pace. Go forward and win the battle in 2022!"   Zhang Mingjun, deputy general manager of the company, said in this meeting: "In the future work, we must strengthen team building and improve internal management efficiency. Collision mechanism, formation mechanism, implementation, and strict supervision. Refinement to no dead ends, so that there is no place for responsibility. Escape. Make every effort to improve the cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness of the team, so that every employee can be integrated into the team, maximize the strength of the team, and create a real wolf-like team.” Based on Mr. Zhou's business philosophy Consistent stance Work together to win the future

Leaders of Sibaoshan Sub-district Office visited 金年会体育 to care about epidemic prevention and control and work resumption

With the continuous dynamic clearing of the local epidemic 金年会体育 Technology actively responds to the government's call Start to resume normal production in an orderly manner   On March 24, 2022, Meng Hua, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Sibaoshan Street, Director Cai Hongming, Member of the Party Committee of Sibaoshan Office, and Ba Wei, Deputy Director of the Safety and Environment Office, visited 金年会体育 Technology Co., Ltd. to care for the company during the epidemic prevention and control period. The situation of resumption of work, production and safe production, cared and exchanged about the current business difficulties of the company, encouraged the company to overcome difficulties, implemented the epidemic prevention and control and production and operation work, and sent epidemic prevention materials to the company. The leaders of the Sibaoshan Sub-district Office inquired in detail about the current epidemic prevention, production and sales of the company, and highly praised 金年会体育's charitable act of donating materials for free during the epidemic.   Chairman Zhou Guoqing gave a detailed introduction to the company's current epidemic prevention and control measures. He also said that during the critical period of resumption of work, relevant steps for epidemic prevention must be implemented in place. On the premise of implementing various measures to prevent and control the epidemic, ensure the normal progress of production and resumption of work.   All personnel receive infrared body temperature measurement and scan the code to register before entering the factory. Increase the frequency of daily disinfection in dense places in the factory area, guide employees to consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control measures, scientifically wear masks, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, 1-meter lines, and do not gather to ensure a strong safety barrier.   To truly achieve both epidemic prevention and control and production development, the two are correct.   The leaders of the Sibaoshan Sub-district Office inquired in detail about the current epidemic prevention, production and sales of the company, and highly praised 金年会体育's charitable act of donating materials for free during the epidemic.   Chairman Zhou Guoqing gave a detailed introduction to the company's current epidemic prevention and control measures. He also said that during the critical period of resumption of work, relevant steps for epidemic prevention must be implemented in place. On the premise of implementing various measures to prevent and control the epidemic, ensure the normal progress of production and resumption of work.   All personnel receive infrared body temperature measurement and scan the code to register before entering the factory. Increase the frequency of daily disinfection in dense places in the factory area, guide employees to consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control measures, scientifically wear masks, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, 1-meter lines, and do not gather to ensure a strong safety barrier.   To truly achieve both epidemic prevention and control and production development, the two are correct. ▲Visit the showroom▲Showcase retraction function display▲Go deep into the workshop to see our company's epidemic prevention and control measures and production and operation status   Faced with the current test of the epidemic, 金年会体育 Technology actively responded to the government's call, made every effort to prevent and control the epidemic, and implemented various prevention and control measures to ensure a safe and orderly resumption of production. Resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, and earnestly shoulder the social responsibility of an enterprise! Take the business philosophy of the company as the core stand unanimously Work together to win the future

Unity to fight against the epidemic | 金年会体育 Technology donated tens of thousands of yuan in materials to support the epidemic prevention of Zibo High-tech Zone

Zibo, March 21st. Let's work together to fight the epidemic. This afternoon, 金年会体育 (referred to as 金年会体育 Technology), a caring enterprise, donated 100 boxes of instant noodles, 100 packs of mineral water, 100 boxes of 84 disinfectant and 10 boxes of alcohol hand sanitizer worth nearly 16,000 yuan. To the Sibaoshan Sub-district Office of Zibo High-tech Zone, to overcome the difficulties and fight the epidemic together with the people in the area, and make every effort to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. At present, the epidemic situation affects the hearts of every 金年会体育 employee. "Now the whole country is struggling to fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic. I see many angels in white, army officers and soldiers, public security police, cadres at all levels and volunteers from all walks of life sticking to the front line of prevention and control, very busy, and I am always moved. As a part of the society, we 金年会体育 Technology should also contribute to the epidemic prevention work." Zhou Guoqing, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Consultative Conference of Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Chairman of Shandong Door Industry Association, and Chairman of 金年会体育 The current severe and complex situation of epidemic prevention and control, resolutely implement the local party committee and government epidemic prevention and control work deployment, further strengthen the enterprise epidemic prevention and control work, on the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control and ensuring enterprise production, take the initiative to assume social responsibilities, and the company does everything possible to raise funds. To 100 boxes of instant noodles, 100 packs of mineral water, 100 boxes of 84 disinfectant and 10 boxes of alcohol hand sanitizer, contact the Sibaoshan Sub-district Office as soon as possible to donate. These living materials will be used to ensure the living needs of front-line anti-epidemic personnel at traffic quarantine points, solve everyone's worries, and allow front-line personnel to devote themselves to epidemic prevention and control. One by one acts of love and kindness, and relays of love one after another, gather the powerful forces of social caring enterprises and people to fight the "epidemic" side by side and donate love, and also reflect the people of Zibo City's concerted efforts to win the epidemic prevention and control. determination. Sibaoshan Street will strictly register the information of all the items donated by enterprises, double registration units and enthusiastic citizens. All the sources and destinations of love items will be registered in the register, and will be distributed and used strictly. All love items received will be used in Sibaoshan Street. The logistical support for epidemic prevention and control in the jurisdiction has made the front-line staff more confident and determined to win the battle against the epidemic with all their might. Zhang Pei, reporter of Dazhong Daily Zibo Rong Media Center

金年会体育 Technology | The official website revision is officially launched!

Responsive layout Technology sense design 金年会体育 Technology 2022 New Website has been officially launched In order to meet the current development needs of the company, strengthen the external publicity requirements of the company, and provide users with a better experience, the official website of 金年会体育 Technology has been revised.   The new bilingual website in both Chinese and English has been officially launched!   The new version of the website has carried out detailed planning and layout in terms of enterprise strength, product classification, technical advantages, etc., and has made great innovations and improvements in the form of expression, function and operation.   The new website integrates the attributes and characteristics of 金年会体育 Technology, and clearly conveys the core brand concept of the company. At the same time, it conforms to the development trend of 金年会体育, and continuously strengthens the ability of big data analysis and intelligent operation and maintenance. Home-Corporate Brand Concept The overall style design is fashionable and simple, rich in technology, clear in structure and rich in content. In the improvement of functions, it highlights the good customer-centric experience. Home-Brand slogan Brand new interface design The overall color of the official website is based on the deep technology blue, and the visual creativity conveys the brand image of scientific and technological innovation and people-oriented that 金年会体育 Technology has always adhered to. The main color, home page, column page, detail page and other pages of the website emphasize the sense of design, break the traditional layout mode, conform to the aesthetic trend, improve the taste of the website, and form a strong attraction.                                                                       Home-Show the core value of the product The overall structure adopts a simple and elegant interface design and a clear hierarchical structure, with clear positioning and prominent key points, and conveys information with a good visual experience, thereby creating a publicity window and functional platform for 金年会体育 to display to the outside world.                                                                       Multi-form display rich content Various forms of expression, such as pictures + videos, show the overall image of 金年会体育 in an all-round way. In particular, the display of dynamic videos that can be seen everywhere on the website enriches the user's audio-visual experience and conveys information more effectively and intuitively.                                                                               Home-Media Reports                                                                   Home-Barrage scrolling effect shows the strength of the enterprise                                                                        Clear positioning and prominent function The new version of the website reorganizes and categorizes the content, pursuing simplicity, clarity, and closer to people's browsing habits and preferences. Plan different functional areas, add project authorization query function, enter keywords (such as authorization number/authorized unit name/project name/place name, etc.) Customers, protect the interests of customers, and fully demonstrate the intelligent display and service functions of the website.                                                                              Home-Project authorization query function                                                                              Responsive website that adapts to multiple terminals The old website only supports computer access. The new website adapts to the size of the screen. Regardless of the mobile phone, tablet, or computer, the page can automatically switch the resolution, image size and related script functions, etc., and is compatible with multiple terminals. When users use different devices to access, the columns and content will have a better display effect.                                                                               After-sales service network at a glance In order to better serve the national market, the new version of the website has added an after-sales service network section. The branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Xi'an, Lanzhou and Hunan are clearly marked on the map, and the after-sales service network is clear at a glance, providing customers with more efficient and convenient localized services.                                                                               Login URL                                                               

Monthly evaluation | 金年会体育 Technology's outstanding employee commendation meeting in January ended successfully!

The plan of the year lies in the spring, and it is time to work hard and forge ahead!   On March 1, 2022, the January outstanding employee commendation meeting of 金年会体育 Technology was held as scheduled in the training room of the headquarters. To commend the advanced, give full play to the power of example, and stimulate the enthusiasm of all employees, this commendation meeting commended 4 outstanding employees from finance, technology research and development, market back office, and logistics support. Award moment   Taking the general manager as the core, with firm belief, closely following the work arrangement of the superior leaders, closely focusing on the requirements of the enterprise in actual work, inheriting and exploring, and driving the growth of the team.   Work diligently, unite and cooperate, actively do their own work, and take the initiative to take responsibility. Firm-minded, goal- and result-oriented, and individual struggle! ……   Sentences of sincere award speeches represent the company's recognition and appreciation for outstanding employees.   The development of the company is inseparable from the efforts of every 金年会体育 person. Zhang Mingjun, the deputy general manager of the company, issued monthly honorary certificates and bonuses to outstanding colleagues to encourage them. And heartfelt congratulations to the outstanding winners in January 2022.   It is an honor and an encouragement to give full play to the leading and exemplary role of role models, and to motivate and spur all 金年会体育 people to forge ahead towards higher goals in 2022.  Leader speaking Mr. Zhang said: "Over the years, 金年会体育 has made great strides in the industry, and the "domestic first, industry-leading" revolving door that retracts the case and does not clip people is a unique advantage in the market. Good products are the foundation of everything. Everyone must strengthen their beliefs, work together, unify their thoughts, resolutely work around the core concept of Chairman Zhou Guoqing, and go all out in their respective positions to maximize their performance. Work hard to achieve dazzling results and future! "   "At the same time, I also hope that all employees will establish a "alignment awareness", take outstanding employees as an example, carry forward the work spirit of devotion and dedication, unite and cooperate sincerely, and work together to make their own contributions to the development of the company. " Live up to the spring, and set sail with a dream. Holding up new hopes and carrying new dreams, let us work together to create great achievements with full passion, pragmatic work, and full of confidence!  

Towards the future together | 2022 金年会体育 Technology Branch Market Seminar ended successfully!

"Whatever you do with your strength, you can win; what you do with all wisdom is everything." On February 18, 2022, the market seminar of 金年会体育 Technology Branch was held as scheduled at 金年会体育's headquarters. The seminar conducted in-depth discussions and strategic deployments on the future market development based on the specific conditions of each region. The heads of each branch shared and discussed the current market situation and the current operation of the branch, and discussed issues such as how to achieve win-win cooperation and develop business extension, put forward relevant opinions and suggestions, and coordinate the promotion of 2022 market development.   Chairman Zhou Guoqing shared the company's future development direction and ideas at this meeting, and pointed out: "We must fully understand and correctly analyze the current opportunities and challenges. Recognize the situation, strengthen our beliefs, strengthen win-win thinking, and determine market goals. Give full play to our internal advantages, improve the linkage ability of the service market, pay attention to the improvement of customer experience, measure quality with quantity, win with quantity, and achieve high-quality development with product differentiation." Branch sales policies, branch financial management, product series explanations, annual awards for outstanding branches... Through this seminar and exchange, various norms have been clarified, and the foundation of mutual benefit and win-win has been consolidated. The company's business development work has laid a solid foundation.   Under the current complex market situation, working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the only correct choice! A win-win situation is the only way to achieve stability and long-term success. Join hands to share a common destiny, promote development together, share resources, share information, and finally achieve a win-win situation, outperform the market, and outperform the future!  

金年会体育 Technology | Exquisite Craftsmanship Helps the Winter Olympics!

The footsteps of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are gradually approaching, and this ice and snow event will make us look forward to it. To carry forward the Olympic spirit and feel the charm of the Winter Olympics, athletes from all over the world are ready to go to the event.
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Dongjie Village, Dawangdian Town, Xushui District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China.

COPYRIGHT ©   金年会体育      


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ADDRESS: Dongjie Village, Dawangdian Town, Xushui District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China.

COPYRIGHT ©   金年会体育   

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